How to use a Sked Tutorial Video
This is a random filled Sked. You can try the functions to get a feeling how it works.
Nothing is saved and you can not purchase a Sked here.
You need to register or login to purchase a Sked.
Nothing is saved and you can not purchase a Sked here.
You need to register or login to purchase a Sked.
Sked Link Details
Order Details
Add a new package
You can add more packages by left clicking on a day. A popup will be displayed and you can choose a package.Edit a package
You can edit a package by left clicking on a package. A popup will be displayed and you can edit the package.Remove a package
You can remove a package by left clicking on the small "X" at the right corner of a package.Move a package
You can move a package by left clicking on a package and hold the left mouse button down. Drag the package to another day and release the mouse button. Now the package is moved to another day.Clone a package
You can clone a package by right clicking on a package and hold the right mouse button down. Drag the package to another day and release the mouse button. Now the package is cloned to another day.Sked Link Details [BOX]
Here you can find your details about all links you actually have in your Sked.Order Details [BOX]
- Payment Type: Choose how to pay. Credits or Paypal. You can save up to 20% when paying with Credits.
- Order Name: Fill in a meaningful title for your Sked so you can easily remember what this Sked was for.
- Order Description: Fill in details you like to remember when you view or edit the Sked in future.
- Article Title: This is the Title we use for your articles. You can use Spintax.
- Article Keyword: This is the Keyword we use to find related content for your links. We create Articles and unique content for Web 2.0, Wiki and Bookmark links.
- URL: Fill in your URLs. You can use spintax.
- Keywords: Fill in your Keywords that should be used as anchor texts for your links. You can use spintax.
Payment Type: Choose how to pay. Credits or Paypal. You can save up to 20% when paying with Credits.
Order Name: Fill in a meaningful title for your Sked so you can easily remember what this Sked was for.
Order Description: Fill in details you like to remember when you view or edit the Sked in future.
Article Keyword: This is the Keyword we use to find related content for your links. We create Articles and unique content for Web 2.0, Wiki and Bookmark links.
Article Title: This is the Title we use for your articles. You can use Spintax.
URL: Fill in your URLs. You can use spintax.
Keywords: Fill in your Keywords that should be used as anchor texts for your links. You can use spintax.
Textfile Formatting: URL#Keyword
You can use Spintax for URL and Keywords. Check the .txt file rules.
You can use Spintax for URL and Keywords. Check the .txt file rules.